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Tea relaxation

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Tea made from a combination of herbs that create a pleasant taste.

Relaxation Tea is drunk morning and evening, always freshly prepared and sweetened with honey if needed.

Lemon Balm(Melissa officinalis L) is a plant used as a spice and for making tea. The shrub reaches a height of up to 80 cm and its leaves are egg-shaped and covered with fine hairs on the upper side. In Slovenia, lemon balm is also called meadwort, honeydew, motherwort, hearty cabbage and aspen. The plant is native to the Mediterranean region and is related to sage and lavender.

Orange (Citrus x sinensis) is a citrus fruit that is especially popular in the winter months. A tree up to 12 metres tall with snow-white flowers and large, orange fruits with rough skin, it produces up to 500 fruits a year.

Dotted Hawthorn (Hypericum perforatum) is a perennial tree that can reach heights of up to 70 cm. It can be recognised by its golden yellow flowers, which turn dark red to purple when crushed. The flower buds, flowers and leaves of St John's Wort are used for a variety of purposes.

Pansy (Passiflora incarnata L.), or otherwise the passion fruit, is a climbing plant that has large flowers and orange fruits. The plant is also called Christ's flower. In various countries around the world, passion fruit is used to make jam.

Lavender (Lavandula) is known for its purple flowers with an enchanting fragrance. As a plant, it is not demanding and tolerates dry periods extremely well.

Benefits of taking Relaxation Tea:

  • unique blend of herbs,
  • can be sweetened with honey,
  • pleasant taste and aroma, easy method of preparation.


Instructions for use: Pour 0.25 l of boiling water over the tea bag and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Always use a new tea bag to make good quality tea.


Ingredients: lemon balm (60.0%), chamomile (25.0%), lavender, passionflower, St. John's wort. (Melissae herba, Matricaria chamomille herba, Lavandulae flos, Passiflorae herba, Hyperici herba).

Contents: 20 tea bags of 1.5 g

Net weight: 30 g


Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Not suitable for persons sensitive to UV rays.
